Friday, May 29, 2009

for the golfer.

yay exam's over! skipped teacher's day toady. too lazy. holiday's are here! anyways, this is gonna be a very very long post! longer than the wantonmee's atleast.

that's about it. seeya! :D

P/s: ethan.. mine longer than yours larrh. :P eh, lets all go play basketball!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

wo shi hua ren! :)

the harder ones has gone. as in paper 2s. the hardest is on monday. haha. no not sejarah. the other one.. CHINESE. oh goodness. i think i'm gonna flunk my chinese paper 2. no joke. u don't wanna know what have i been doing during the past chinese lessons. good days! :D argh.. better go study up my bahasa ciiinnaa babi now. wish me luck! ;)

hope my other paper 1s will go smoothly. yeap like a baby's ass. :P heh.

Best of Luck the all as well!

Together We Shall


hhahahhahahah! blades of glory. ahahhaha!

oh right. happy belated birthday to jiun ee! :D and not forgetting, my mummy. :)


yours fake-ly,
jean bean. (:

WAIT! KRIS ALLEN WON! :D heeeeeee..... so hawt.. oh if u realizeed.. whenever he sings the high notes, his mouth will go like :/ ! haha so bloody cute.. ahhh~

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


everyone has been ponteng-ing lately. some are just being lazy asses xD but my bimbo yv is sick. apparently, she's having fever so high that she could fry eggs on her forehead. hah, get well soon you!


speaking of bimbos,


Sunday, May 10, 2009

had a great day.

happy mothers day! :D to erm all mothers out there. heee.

had fun with my mom today. it was a rather funny day. LOL! thanks for everything mom. "thanks for making me" HAHAHHA! inside joke. sorry.



devil! >=/

hahah kidding. joke joke. :) not

celebrated mothers day with beloved my grandma just now as well.
she's a happy granny today :)

and we will always do. (:

happy nerding everyone!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

no goodnight for me tonight.

it's 4am and i'm still up doing logbook. argh. i can't finishhh :'( how now brown cow? (hahahaha) oh me gawd. so tired. so many things in my mind now. i hope lynn's doing great in templers for her king scouts. i think she's awake now too :D heeee..

LOL! look at this. i'm at this translating website and i saw this funny shit. oh i'm doing my ahli sukan btw. picked bball of course :P anyways, look.

English :

The league was founded in New York City on June 6, 1946 as the Basketball Association of America (BAA).

BM :

Liga telah ditubuhkan di New York City pada Jun 6, 1946 sebagai Basketball Association Amerika (KAMBING BIRI-BIRI).

HAHAHHAHimsofuckingscrewedimnotdonewithmylogAHAHAHHAHA! LOLROFLMAO!!! good joke at 4am. they even caps it!

ahh.. anwways back to logbook. seeya guys.

hugs and kisses!